Thursday, September 2, 2010

{SCOUT} - 2 years old

This little girl has become great friends with Brynsley. And her Momma and I have become great friends as well. I was super excited when she asked if I'd take some pictures of Scout for her 2nd birthday...ever since I first met them I've wanted to get my camera on her!! Isn't she just the cutest thing ever?! Well, I think it was a little more of a challenge then I thought it was going to be. She didn't really want anything to do with looking at my camera. And that furrowed brow look...that's just totally her. So it may look like she hates me in some of these pictures..well she just really might..but I'm pretty confident that she loves!





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1 comment:

  1. Bethany!!! You are AMAZING!!! Honestly, I was in a crappy mood, and then saw these, and it just made me so happy! Really, I am sorry my daughter is such a glare-er, I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets that look though. You rock my world!!!
