Remember Little Miss Riley Jo? Well now...she's 6 months old and just as BEAUTIFUL as before. This particular day was one of Mother Nature's recent mood swing days. She just couldn't decide if she was happy, sad, or just plain mad! We had rain, sun, and even HAIL this day and we just weren't sure if we would get a break in the showers. I said a little prayer on the way to the location and it looked like it might let up. Then once we got out of the car...down came the showers AGAIN! We waited under an umbrella for a few minutes and just as we decided to go wait it out in the car...TA-DA!!! The rain stopped and the clouds broke apart and the Beautiful sun graced us with it's appearance. We had to work fast because who knew how long we'd have RIGHT?! It turned out to be just perfect and we had about 40 minutes of sun and once we decided we were done, down came the HAIL! It was CRAZY! I'm so thankful that we got some great shots in such a short amount of time. They were great sports for putting up with the mud, rain, and hail and of course ME!

Every time I look at this picture I just see sooo much LOVE! Can you see the Heart that I see?!? Soo Sweet!

Every time I look at this picture I just see sooo much LOVE! Can you see the Heart that I see?!? Soo Sweet!